01 - Joycie
02 - Wilson
03 - Bear
04 - Ting
05 - Fen
06 - Main
07 - Jiale
08 - Lin
09 - Yin
10 - Rongyao
11 - Sam
12 - Qin
Like that first, if wan can change the numbers again~
i am who i am
4:10 AM
yippee-ya-ya-yippeee-yippee-ya!!!i'm here to bring news!! =) hahahhas. alright.. the vote is out and the decision is urs! =) we have all come to agreement with a black tee.... and rongyao a special one, RAINBOW tee! hahahahs!! ok.. get to the point.we are making a jersey.. so there is no design that we need to come out with. a jersey is nice with just the plain numbers and names at the back of it. so a black jersey with white sleeves, and white printings at the back would do just fine.IS EVERYONE AGREED ON THIS? i need a reply asap. i'm anticipating to get this jersey done before rongyao's birthday. that is the LATEST i would mean.also, shirmain's concert, i was planning to celebrate huilin's bday also.. so how many of you agreed to go for the concert?? let me noe also!! =)the jersey matter:numbers 01- 12, please take ur pick. and gimme the names that should appear on the jersey.
so, number 01 - 12 n the name.
i hope to see flowing numbers in our jerseys.. cos..... i think not very nice to someone 11 then the other one 71 and then 23? hahahs. flowing ok? everyone agree?? talking about rainbows, we are like rainbows. the colors bond together and blend together nicely, and harmoniously!ONCE A RENAISSANCE, ALWAYS A RENAISSANCE! GR2 SHINE AS WHO WE ARE.with truck loads of loves:joycie
i am who i am
7:36 AM
booo!!! yes yes yes, it's the best idea of getting GR2 a tee!!! well well, it's gonna be the best representative thing for us!! woohoo!!!! i'm so high...~~ and yes 4th nov, please keep urself free... first of all, we are all gonna support shirmain at her band concert... $10 per ticket, then after that we are gonna celebrate huilin's borthday. as we all know she is sooooo attached to yongtai that she will be not available on 8th nov. we shall celebrate on 4th nov. it's a saturday night, so i presume we can all stay a lil bit later than usual? please let me noe who is agreeable with this idea or who has better suggestions please let me noe also? =) *post it here!* then also, 28th nov is rongyao's bday.. so then also please keep either 27th or 29th free n 28th if rongyao himself is available?? rongyao, pls let us know which day is more convenient for u? =)next coming up would please be kbox cos im dying to go.... i haven been there for......... more than half a year?! so...... go with me kk?? hees... =P and also, dec i might be having a chalet during the two weeks hols on 18th dec to 31st dec... so, i'll let u guys know again.. =)and for now, please take good good care of urself... sleep early, rest well and drink truck loads of water cos the haze can be quite bad!! school is gonna be rather stressful soon starting the second week, [projects, due dates, assignments, lects tutorials.... bla bla bla.... but... well well... hang on there.. and pick out days to meet me as well? **if i don msg you all to meet, please if u all are going out msg me? i might just be able to make it.. and most of us live rather near each other ya? so.... don forget my presence!! i'm more than happie to meet more often with u all!!!**with one thousand and one hugs and loves,joycie
i am who i am
7:55 AM
hey ppl.. does tis looks like a logo of "GR"?
hahas.. but den too bad don have a "2" on it ah.. if not jiu is "GR2" le.. nice hor? (=gr2 rox! -yin
i am who i am
7:12 AM
GR 2 oei!!! OEI!!! GR 2 oei!!! OEI!!! sat sat oei oei sat sat oei.. GR 2 GR 2 sat sat oei!!!! i love u people alot alot alot alot! u all are the best things that ever happened in my poly life!!! =) before i had u all, poly life was dead n still. it was only after i joined baoc that i found u all n i enjoyed my poly life. i didn't know that i would have all of u. from the very day i got the list to call, i told myself i shall make things happen. to make the og group stick n bond. cos i didn't get to stick n bond with anyone back in my orientation and even though all of us are in the same og n same tutorial group now, i think i only haf four frens?! pathetic eh?! but i'm definitely sociable la.. just that when at first click u dun click well u dun click.. but i'm really glad to see all of u so close! don leave me out of the closeness yar!!??!? hee hee.. =)
i enjoyed today's meeting. shall we have more?! kbox soon yar?! AND ALSO, STRONGLY RECOMMENDED, please keep ur 4th nov free? shall we ALL go and support shirmain on her band concert? tickets are 10bucks each n it's
4th NOV, SAT. get back to me who can make it. shall we?
I LOVE MY GR2!!! =)with one zillion hugs and loves,
i am who i am
9:23 AM
i am who i am
12:00 AM
Still rem mah? Our sweet home for 2 nights...p.s. take care all.... =]
i am who i am
6:15 AM
ALOHA~!...Me too long time din make a post le..hehex...hows everyone...We really had a lot of wonderful memories...rite guys? =D...I miss euu tons man joycie...I really thought tt u MIA le..hahahaz....oh ya..those photos u posted I din receive any of them lei...=.=''...so long until i forgot i got take those photos...are there anymore other photos??? Hehehehz...really miss those times...=)
On monday are we really going out for dinner??? Really?? Shi zhen de ma??...Joycie u better don MIA le ar...coz we miss u tons...becareful when u meet us on monday, coz we may juz throw our body at u and hug tight tight...hahahahaz...
Ok ok le..see ya guys on monday ya`! muz tell me wat time and the venue kkz`!! =)...Tata...
i am who i am
8:33 AM

i am who i am
2:37 AM
yo yo yo!! hi everyone. why u all never tell me about this bloggie? hai shi hui fen hao!! loves! =P i wanna tell all of u, i'm so sorry i'm so busy with my schedules.. that is why i always cannot make it de.. previously, bear's birthday, my grandma was hospitalised, that's y i'm unable to be there. i'm so sorry da jia!! but please know that i din forget anyone of you ok!! my frenster, my bloggie, all put GR2 as my loves de wor!! hees.. =) i miss everyone.
actually, i've always been very happie to be able to see all of u gel n bond so well, u all are closer to each other than closer to ur own tutorial mates... am i supposed to feel proud of this? OF COURSE I DO! i miss those days where i had to call all of u to make sure u all come, and calling each n everyone to be sporting, those were the days. please always remember those days k? =)
heys!! since we all haf this bloggie, why don we make it a point to post something about our days, together? so it's livelier? hees. alright, i know i'm the one who always MIA that u all dunno my whereabouts! alrite.. i shall come in to post every week so that u all dun forget me! hahahs!!
loves!! i've got something here for everyone!!! muackies!! =)
one thousand & one hearts & loves,
joycie!! =)
i am who i am
7:12 PM
Hihi... here are some of the chalet pics.. hee hee..~ reali miss those days.. =D

That's Wil and yin... hmmm, cos they bbq half way, like going to rain.. so they put some charcoal into the aluminium tray and continue to bbq.. haha...smart... i like the satay sia..
LoL... thanx all...

Indoor bbq part 2~ LoL.. then main is reali a mashmallow lover.. see la, onli bbq mashmallow... HAHA... behind are ry and jl...hmmm, i admit i din help much... i think i emo-ing or wat lah... then lin took most of these pics...

Hey all, i post this pic here becos i dont noe why lin wana take this pic? haha, the chalet rooftop is nice lah... but also no nid to take pic ba, haiz..

Shhhh..... lao yin very naughty.. go disturb plp... but who's the one sleeping? ting ah? cos shld be lin who took this pic.. not sure lah.. just noe their room super comfortable.. air-con 24/7... i also wan...=D somemore wil and yin go wash de floor sia.. me and main also wan de, but lazy..hee~

Last day b4 we going home...hmmm, chilling ard lo, dont noe wat tv show, how come all watch? then supposed to wear gr2 tee de, but hor onli wil guai sia.. the rest of the guys..haiz.. but where're me and main?
Here loh... Soooooooo tired..~ i think we ard morning time then slp in the guys' room, cos ting and lin were sleeping in our nice and comfo room, sob =( played manjong till morning..main played dong and nan while i played xi and bei... it's damn tiring.. sam was on-ing the music for us.. ty ty.. hmmm reali cannot tahan... and we were HUNGRY!!

Alright, shall end this posting wif a grp photo... =D lin managed to put her camera into the slot then press the timing... 10 freshies~ it's reali memorable loh.. hor? hopefully someone can organise another gr2 chalet b4 we go yr 2 can? then qin must come sia.. hee..xie xie da jia..
p.s. gr2 rox!!~
i am who i am
4:55 AM
Hey, i'm back.. haha.. let's continue ba..~ Gr2 memories part 2!!
That's my 17th birthday!! haha, it's fun sia.. reali.. they very thoughtful.. me and main had a very long single date sia.. cos they waiting for sky to turn night..we were outside esplanade.. nice night view.. =D
We took this pic b4 we left sia, in front of the big wheel.. bear and ting took train back, while the rest of us went...hee hee.. esplanade.. again.. then we were holdiing hands sia, so paiseh.. can hold my hand lo.. haha.. it was fun... reali..t
hanx all..=DWOW... Birthday cake for ting and main!! HAHA, ok, the top add-ons are candles la, paisei, cos inside got air-con so the candles burn super fast.. told main that we were going to dance cha-cha at the cc, ok i'm LAME~ then i din tell them jiale coming.. but the lin ah.. long story...
Bear went home half way during the ktv.. then we went j8.. main meeting her yoga family.. then we took neoprint after forcing jiale to take wif us.. hmmm, we asked the neoprint lady to help us take this photo de..
p.s. HAPPY 17th Birthday,main & HAPPY 19th Birthday ting!!!~
To be continued..... look forward wor.. going to post some chalet photos..
i am who i am
11:39 PM
YO all, how's your day? hmmm, i'm rotting sia... so come here to upload some of the past gr2 and birthday photos.. Gr2 manages to survive one sem le.. HAHA...
let's look back on how far Gr2 has come ba~
Gr2 while playing the drawing game, supposed to draw an hourglass, haha...
ime: 3:54pmHAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY!!!Lao Yin's Birthday, haha.. old gal le.. then we sang birthday song and ate the cake at one of the canteens..
Date:19/04/06 Time: 5:37pm
Gr2 on our way to marina south for steamboat!!! we super noisy sia.. paiseh paiseh... haha... but it's rare to go out as a grp and wearing the same tee.. look at the other passengers, they were so sianz, so we kept taking photos.. hee.. then got 3 guys dao us lo, dont wana take photo wif the gals...=(
Date: 20/04/06 Time: 6:50pm
YAY! took some photos while eating steamboat too... haha, it's fun... i rem spilling some sugarcane juice.. opps...and ry also took photo wif the prawns..HAHA....
Date: 20/04/06 Time: 8:23pm
hmmm, that was the first ever Gr2 outing sia.. to hougang.. then we asked the neoprint lady to help us take a photo...ben lai wana go sing k, but later on change to play pool.. and, we all looked scary sia.. esp me and main..HAHA... Date: 21/04/06 Time: 6:38pm
OMG, all the photos are actually quite scary leh.. i tired le, later then upload some more ba... =D
i am who i am
7:12 AM
Hope u all like the new blog sia... a bit plain.. but i think it's simple...
=D if wana change anything, feel free sia...
i am who i am
3:25 AM
ahem... i wan to blog about gr2 events.. and ya, we celebrated bear birthday!!!
Venue: Zhen Fa Live SeaFood
Time: 6 pm at marina bay
Date: 1 Oct 2006
People in action : Siuqin , Yuting , Huifen , Rongyao , Huilin n BEAR!!!
Uniform : gr2 tee ( except bear the birthday bear )
That day was fun... we eat happily and later, we suprised bear with a cake ( green tea cake ) Den , later rongyao smashed the cake on bear's face!! so pro la , bear's mouth and nose is covered with the cake , lol !!!
and we discovered an ''affair'' between GR2 , and since im such a good person , i decided to share with you some of the
''affairs'' xD

hohoho... get wad i mean ? (:
all-along it was a happy event .. until it came to the part whereby we were cooking the prawns .... mind you , they were ALIVE !!! and stupid rongyao seems super happy to torture them... he need to do 100 hrs of old folk's home lah!!! xD

anyway , it was a fun day ... and i shall end this post with a group photo .. CHEERS!!!! xD

i am who i am
6:58 AM